Learning about WhatsApp Marketing and The Know-how

30 April 2023 WhatsApp Marketing

The WhatsApp marketing strategy is now one of the choices for people to do marketing. The massive use of WhatsApp among Indonesian people is one of the reasons for this strategy to be used. Apart from that, a business also needs a marketing strategy in order to grow.

With such a large use of WhatsApp, it seems that using WhatsApp marketing as part of marketing is a good idea. Let's find out what features can be used for WhatsApp marketing and how these features can be useful for WhatsApp marketing.

Business and Marketing

Marketing is an important part of the business. When you have a business, you also need to do marketing activities. Without marketing activities, no one will recognize your brand, let alone the products you sell. Just look at how many brands have their own marketing division.

The scope of marketing itself is quite broad. Apart from carrying out promotions as mentioned, the marketing division is also responsible for determining the appropriate target market for the product. Not to mention the tough task of determining what kind of marketing strategy to use.

So, the marketing division itself is quite closely related to business customers. They make things so that customers can be attracted and buy the product. One of them is by doing promotions to spread awareness. This is done so that gradually the customers are aware of the existence of the brand.

Currently, there are quite a lot of promotional media that can be used by a business considering that the digital world is currently so advanced. There are many platforms that can be used by business people. However, the many platforms mean there are also many strategies that must be used by a business. One platform that can be used by a business is WhatsApp.

WhatsApp Business for Marketing

WhatsApp itself is the most widely used instant messaging application by the public. So, using WhatsApp marketing as a marketing strategy is not a bad idea at all. Precisely by using an effective strategy, you can attract quite a lot of WhatsApp users.

WhatsApp also only requires someone's phone number to start a chat with the other person. How to use it is also quite easy and simple to use. Naturally, the age of WhatsApp users is quite wide, from teenagers to the elderly. This is also evidence of how wide the market is owned by WhatsApp.

Moreover, WhatsApp provides WhatsApp Business. Unlike what is commonly used by the public, WhatsApp Business is intended for users who have an interest in doing business. The features in it also function to help its users do business.

WhatsApp itself is often used as a contact number by a business to give to its customers. Therefore, the existence of WhatsApp Business is very useful for business people who often use WhatsApp. He can also distinguish a business account from his personal account.

Therefore, using WhatsApp as a marketing platform is the right choice. Especially for small business people who are just starting out. Using a large and efficient platform for marketing is certainly the right move.

By using the right platform to market products, the results obtained will also be more effective. But still, it must be accompanied by an effective marketing strategy. The following are some of the features on WhatsApp that you can use to do WhatsApp marketing.

1. Chat Broadcast

One of the features of WhatsApp Business is one of the features most often used by business people. Therefore, this one feature is the right feature to be used in WhatsApp marketing. With broadcast chat, a business can get many benefits.

One of them is that a business can carry out promotions without consuming time. Because by using chat broadcast, these messages will reach the customer you are targeting. In addition, you can choose the customers you want to send messages to so that the marketing can run effectively.

2. Quick Replies

This feature is very helpful for business people who are quite busy. In addition, this can be used by business people as WhatsApp marketing. With quick replies, businesses don't need to be online all the time to answer customer questions. Customers don't feel neglected either.

In its application, many questions are frequently asked by customers, namely FAQs or frequently asked questions. To make it easier for users, WhatsApp business provides quick replies. You only need to provide a template answer to the question.

3. Create a WhatsApp Group

To use this feature, you don't have to use WhatsApp Business. This one feature is actually an ordinary feature but you can use it for WhatsApp marketing. This is because you can bring up interactions between WhatsApp users.

With a group, these interactions can also be seen by other members. But you need to be careful in making the group because there is always the possibility that people don't like it that way. When marketing products in a group, make sure it's not too pushy and not too often because these two things can actually make people want to leave the group.

4. Interesting Content

You have to create interesting content. No matter what medium you use for marketing, you have to make it interesting. If you want to make a poster for promotion, you can use a free design site that provides templates. That way, at least the visuals of the content are interesting.

The language used also adjusts to the target market. That way, existing writing is more relatable to customers. You can also use WhatsApp Story to create unique promotional content. Many users often see it as entertainment so the possibility of this content being seen is quite large.

5. Consistent

In WhatsApp marketing, it's important for you to be consistent in promoting the products you sell. This is because if the time lag between promotions is too long, customers may be busy with their own activities so they don't remember the product you are selling. Therefore, you need to do it consistently.

This is a brief explanation of WhatsApp marketing and features that can be useful for businesses. Many features of WhatsApp Business can help make your work easier in doing business. Apart from that, you can also get other additional features using the WhatsApp Business API from Kokatto.

Apart from the WhatsApp Business API, Kokatto also provides other services to help businesses improve customer service. Chatbot and Customer Care are some of these features that can be used by business people to be able to please customers. For more info, contact Kokatto!

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